St. Mark's UMC in the French Quarter

God's Love Shared For All
Historic St. Mark's United Methodist Church in the French Quarter

We welcome youth groups to join us for Praise and Worship
as we share the beauty of
God's love.

All are welcome
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church is a faith community which recognizes and seeks to embody the truth that all people are the children of God regardless of race, sexual orientation, life history, education, place of birth, age… or anything the world uses to divide us. God’s love is not only for all, but God’s Spirit seeks to create us into a community filled with genuine care and love for one another.
For decades St. Mark’s has worked for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in society and the United Methodist Church. Reconciling Ministries Network, the national movement to reform the UMC, gave us their Voices in the Wilderness award for pioneering work. We continue to play a key role in championing LGBT+ inclusion in the Louisiana Conference of The United Methodist Church. We also partner with the Forum for Equality to push for change in Louisiana.

1130 N. Rampart St.
New Orleans, LA 70116
(504) 529-8044